Thursday, 29 December 2011

New Year!

Tomorrow night is a big one. A night that's full of happiness, laughter, memories and overall celebration. That's right, you guessed it! New Years Eve! Now, I know it's tradition to have a New Years resolution, so mine's going to be to continuously upgrading my blog making it more enjoyable and exciting for you all to read and to spend more time with my family and friends this summer holidays. The lime light question for today is; What is your New Year's resolution?! To get into the New Year spirit and festive season, here's a few cute images I found on Pintrest to help! Take a look at them below!

I hope you all have a fun, safe, merry and prosperous New Year!

Much love,

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Happy Little Vegemite

Christmas is all over and done with until next year. But don't worry, it'll come around as quick as it did this year! Anyway, i'm very happy with my presents I got. I received a black Thomas Sabo bracelet, chocolate, lots of make-up, pearl earrings, tan sandals, floral dress, two singlets, pajamas, body butter, a swag, UDraw Wii game and a Sanyo photography camera with 21 optical zoom and 14 mega pixel screen. I think by far, the camera is my favourite present I receive that day! If I haven't posted for a couple of days, it's because I will be off taking lots of photos! Anyway, here's a photo of me and my new camera, and I also want to here all about your Christmas day and what gifts you received! Spill the beans, comment below!

Much love,

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

My Academic Achievements

Last night was my schools Awards Night. I was pretty nervous beforehand not knowing whether I would be awarded Captain or Vice Captain representing my house, Willah. I was pretty happy and honored to be awarded with the Willah House Vice Captain badge for 2012 based on what I have had to do to apply for this position previously. I was also awarded that night Dux of Health and Physical Education, Visual Communication and Design, Science, Textiles and overwhelmed when receiving Overall Dux of Year 8. Included with my achievements was a cheque of $120! I couldn't be happier and proud of myself from my achievements and progress throughout 2011, and so I guess all that's left to say is; bring on 2012 people!!

Much love,

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Christmas Gift Wrapping

Stuck on gift wrapping ideas this year for that special someone? Here's a few gorgeous pictures I found on Pintrest that you might like!

Aren't they amazing?! I hope I've gave you an idea of how you'd like to wrap your Christmas Presents this year! I'm sure that special someone will be very pleased with your wrapping talent!

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Alphabet Photography

We were assigned to take photos around us of what resembled or looked like letters in the alphabet. I took six photos; five being the letters spelling 'Nikki' and one photo of baby foxes reprsenting my last name 'Fox'. The finished product was made into a booklet having to have made a front cover. I choose to just tie in with my theme of being 'rustic' and draw a twig, vine like letter. I'm very happy with my end result so I wanted to share it with you.
Here's a couple of pictures:

The Finished Product of my Raggy Bag

Hey guys! I apologise that I havn't updated in a while. I've been so busy trying to finish my Raggy Bag before the end of year. Anyway, I finished it about an hour ago and have been prancing around wearing it with pride. I'm very happy with the end result of my Raggy Bag, so were my peers and teachers. My principal was so pleased with it, she even put an order in for me to make her newly born daughter one! So next years assignement is to make her one! I couldn't be happier with my Raggy Bag. Here's a few pictures I took of it:

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Ballarat Trip

Hello again! Ok, so i'm going to the University of Ballarat tomorrow in Ballarat because i'm participating in the Out Reach Program that they supply. I get to participate in activities and meet lots of new friends. I will be back on Thursday, so don't miss me too much!

Goodbye until then,

Raggy Bag Update

Hey guys, so I promised you an update on my Raggy Bag project. So here it is; I have made the straps for my bag and the both sides for the bag. I have just recently cut in between the sewn lines and it looks really good. I'm going to wait to sew all my bag together before I put it in the washing machine to get the frayed look I want. 
So here's a few pictures my teacher took of me working on my Raggy Bag; 

Comment your thoughts and by own means, follow my page!

Monday, 21 November 2011


Okay, so Christmas is just around the corner. My family and myself are busily helping out on the farm with harvesting our grain. So far we've harvested about 350 acres and still have a fair amount to go. Around about 8000 acres. My sister is currently working at the silos weighing in and calculating numbers from the truck loads of grain. Her boyfriend is also helping out too, working at the silos tieing down the bunkers and shoveling grain to different areas. It's all been happening out here in the outback Australia on our farm! Keep updated with Blue Bird On The Window Sill for more posts about my life living on a farm.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Strawberry Slushy Fruit Smoothie

What are your plans for the weekend?
Here's a simple recipe as easy as 1,2,3 that'll keep you cool and relaxed while your taste buds do all the work!

-4 large strawberries
-1 tsp of sugar
-1/2 cup of whole milk
-1cup of ice cubes

1. Blend strawberries and whole milk on a low speed until well smooth.
2. Add the ice cubes and blend together on high speed for about 1 minute.
3. Sit back and enjoy the exotic flavours of your strawberry slushy fruit smoothie!

*For frozen strawberries, add some sugar or sweetened juice to the smoothie to create a sweeter taste. Do not blend strawberries too much otherwise you wont fully enjoy the strawberry taste.

Comment below your thoughts and opinions on this simple yet delicious recipe!

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

My Journey Overseas

It all started out when my sister, Erika, got chosen to represent Australia in the Miss Intercontinental Beauty Pagent 2011 in Orihuela, Spain. We departed from the Melbourne airport in Australia on the 22nd of September for a seven hour aeroplane flight to Singapore flying Emirates. It was a very luxurious flight flying Emirates the whole time overseas. (recommended) From Singapore it was a seven hour plane flight to Dubai. We got there at 4am in the morning and boy was it humid there or what! From Dubai we said goodbye to my sister Erika, to go to Orihuela, Spain while we went onwards to Amsterdam. Erika had two weeks over in Spain while my family and myself spent a week in Hilversum, Amsterdam with my uncle, aunty and two cousins.
Miss U.S.A and Miss Australia

Miss New Zealand and Miss Australia
Anne Frank's House In Amsterdam
My Uncle's Street In Hilversum

We were jet lagged so bad the night we arrived at my uncle's house in Hilversum, so going to bed at 8pm that night seemed like a good plan for all of us! There was a nine hour difference between Hilversum to my home town Meringur, Australia so it took a few days for us to adjust to the new time zone being all around the other side of the world! My uncle showed us many things in Hilversum such as old castles, beautiful forests and valleys. We all couldn't get over how many people rode bikes! The main transport in Hilversum and Amsterdam is bikes believe it or not. He took us into Amsterdam for the day and we got to experience seeing the house that once lived Anne Frank! The story of her is simply remarkable and to experience seeing her house that she lived in for many years, was just amazing. The buildings and architecture was so old yet so beautiful. All neat and tidy but so close together. Everyone was so polite and friendly, besides the one old grouchy man that nearly run me over on his bike and started yelling at me in Dutch. I had absolutely no idea what he was saying but I knew he wasn't happy with me!
Small Bridge In Amsterdam

Paris, France was a five hour drive from my uncle's house so we had to visit it because Paris is one of my favourite destinations in the world! The Eiffel Tower was absolutely amazing, and all the detail in the frame work was just mind blowing and to think it was built temporary for the World Trade fair in 1889. For something to be so simple, so large, to become one of the world's best tourist attractions, is just astonishing. I still cant believe iv'e seen The Eiffel Tower! Also in Paris we walked to The Louvre to see Leonardo Da Vinci's most famous painting, The Mona Lisa. Despite all the blisters and how hot it was in Paris, the sight seeing was amazing. Unfortunately, we didn't end up seeing The Mona Lisa painting like we planned though, because The Louvre was shut on a Tuesday. What a coincidence that we had to go on that specific day! I was shattered, but we did get to see an old guillotine where they beheaded people that didn't agree with the hierarchy. Paris's ice cream is really good too so I also recommend going there!
Me In Paris Standing Near The Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower

The Louvre In Paris

After a week spent with my uncle, aunty and two cousins, we flew over to Orihuela, Spain to see my sister Erika competing in the Miss Intercontinental Beauty Pagent 2011. We also saw an old castle in Orihuela called the Santa Barbara castle that had captured many prisoners. We got to see the inscriptions in the ground of that once used to be the cell. Some were the prisoners names and others were squares, making out to be some sort of board game. It was very interesting at the Santa Barbara castle learning about the history of the castle, behind the beauty of it all. Lazing by the pool and going down to the crystal clear Mediterranean Sea was the way to go too. It was just so relaxing!

Santa Barbara Castle In Orihuela, Spain

Miss Australia In Australia's National Costume

Miss Australia In Her Ballgown

Orihuela, Spain View

On Friday the 11th of October, the big night had come around the corner oh so quickly. Yes, it was the night that the fifty nine beauty's from all around the world got judged on many aspects. It was a live show broadcasting to many countries besides Australia, unfortunately. The girls had to first model their 'National Costume' with Miss Peru winning the title of The Best National Costume. Then the girls had to model a pair of yellow and orange bikini's with Uruguay winning 'The Best Body'. Miss Martinique won the 'Miss Photogenic' title and Miss England won the title of 'Miss Congeniality'. Then the girls had to model a ball gown or some type of formal dress. The top fifteen girls were announced, then down to the final three. The finalists were Miss America, Miss Jamaica and Miss Spain. The judges had to ask each of the girls a question they had to answer. After a few nail biting minutes, the judges had made their decision on who had won the title of being Miss Intercontinental 2011. Miss America took out the title hands down. She was all round gorgeous flowing with elegance and potential. Miss Spain came second, following in with Miss Jamaica coming third. Unfortunately, my sister Erika didn't get crowned anything, but she made a load of new friends from all over the world! I couldn't be any more proud of her achievement.

That night we took Erika from the palace she was staying at to our hotel villa with the luxurious pool. On the Sunday, our journey had come to an end. It was time for us to pack our bags and head off back home to the land down under. Landing back in Melbourne, Australia felt so different. For once the airport was familiar and had that homely feel to it. Driving six hours back to our home town, Meringur, was different too. We had all gotten so used to driving on the other side of the road in Amsterdam, Paris and Spain that it felt actually abnormal to drive on the left hand side of the road! It didn't take long for us to get back into our daily routines, but I think it took twice as long to recover from the jet lag!

The Pool At Playa Flamenca Hotel At Night 

Well, that was my journey overseas. I hope I didn't bore you too much, but I'm telling you now, I had a load of fun. I've deffinately got the flying bug. :)