Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Happy Little Vegemite

Christmas is all over and done with until next year. But don't worry, it'll come around as quick as it did this year! Anyway, i'm very happy with my presents I got. I received a black Thomas Sabo bracelet, chocolate, lots of make-up, pearl earrings, tan sandals, floral dress, two singlets, pajamas, body butter, a swag, UDraw Wii game and a Sanyo photography camera with 21 optical zoom and 14 mega pixel screen. I think by far, the camera is my favourite present I receive that day! If I haven't posted for a couple of days, it's because I will be off taking lots of photos! Anyway, here's a photo of me and my new camera, and I also want to here all about your Christmas day and what gifts you received! Spill the beans, comment below!

Much love,

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