Thursday, 29 December 2011

New Year!

Tomorrow night is a big one. A night that's full of happiness, laughter, memories and overall celebration. That's right, you guessed it! New Years Eve! Now, I know it's tradition to have a New Years resolution, so mine's going to be to continuously upgrading my blog making it more enjoyable and exciting for you all to read and to spend more time with my family and friends this summer holidays. The lime light question for today is; What is your New Year's resolution?! To get into the New Year spirit and festive season, here's a few cute images I found on Pintrest to help! Take a look at them below!

I hope you all have a fun, safe, merry and prosperous New Year!

Much love,

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Happy Little Vegemite

Christmas is all over and done with until next year. But don't worry, it'll come around as quick as it did this year! Anyway, i'm very happy with my presents I got. I received a black Thomas Sabo bracelet, chocolate, lots of make-up, pearl earrings, tan sandals, floral dress, two singlets, pajamas, body butter, a swag, UDraw Wii game and a Sanyo photography camera with 21 optical zoom and 14 mega pixel screen. I think by far, the camera is my favourite present I receive that day! If I haven't posted for a couple of days, it's because I will be off taking lots of photos! Anyway, here's a photo of me and my new camera, and I also want to here all about your Christmas day and what gifts you received! Spill the beans, comment below!

Much love,

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

My Academic Achievements

Last night was my schools Awards Night. I was pretty nervous beforehand not knowing whether I would be awarded Captain or Vice Captain representing my house, Willah. I was pretty happy and honored to be awarded with the Willah House Vice Captain badge for 2012 based on what I have had to do to apply for this position previously. I was also awarded that night Dux of Health and Physical Education, Visual Communication and Design, Science, Textiles and overwhelmed when receiving Overall Dux of Year 8. Included with my achievements was a cheque of $120! I couldn't be happier and proud of myself from my achievements and progress throughout 2011, and so I guess all that's left to say is; bring on 2012 people!!

Much love,

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Christmas Gift Wrapping

Stuck on gift wrapping ideas this year for that special someone? Here's a few gorgeous pictures I found on Pintrest that you might like!

Aren't they amazing?! I hope I've gave you an idea of how you'd like to wrap your Christmas Presents this year! I'm sure that special someone will be very pleased with your wrapping talent!

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Alphabet Photography

We were assigned to take photos around us of what resembled or looked like letters in the alphabet. I took six photos; five being the letters spelling 'Nikki' and one photo of baby foxes reprsenting my last name 'Fox'. The finished product was made into a booklet having to have made a front cover. I choose to just tie in with my theme of being 'rustic' and draw a twig, vine like letter. I'm very happy with my end result so I wanted to share it with you.
Here's a couple of pictures:

The Finished Product of my Raggy Bag

Hey guys! I apologise that I havn't updated in a while. I've been so busy trying to finish my Raggy Bag before the end of year. Anyway, I finished it about an hour ago and have been prancing around wearing it with pride. I'm very happy with the end result of my Raggy Bag, so were my peers and teachers. My principal was so pleased with it, she even put an order in for me to make her newly born daughter one! So next years assignement is to make her one! I couldn't be happier with my Raggy Bag. Here's a few pictures I took of it: